Six Week Summer Term Classes from 17th July - 26th August 2017.
Download our summer brochure here
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Plus summer courses for teenagers and students to help reivise and prepare for the next academic year.
Twice a week courses (levels 1 to 3)
Complete a module in 6 weeks
Duration: 6 weeks
Monday/Wednesday starts 17th July
Tuesday/Thursday starts 18th July
Course fee: £306
- Class times:
- Mornings 10 am to 12.30 pm
- Afternoons 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm
- Evenings 6.15 pm to 8.45 pm
Refresher courses (levels 1 to 3)
This course is focused on conversation, some aspects of French culture, and revision of important points from your previous course. This practical course will give you more confidence and help prepare you ready for your nextcourse (N.B. This course will not validate one of our levels).
Duration: 6 weeks
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
(Course days will depend on level and enrolments)
Course fee: £157
- Class times:
- Mornings 10 am to 12.30 pm
- Afternoons 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm
- Evenings 6.15 pm to 8.45 pm
2 week Intensive courses (All levels)
Whether you are learning French for the first time or looking to brush up your existing skills, progress by daily immersion in French.
Duration: 2 weeks
Monday to Friday
Course fee: £306
- Class times:
- Mornings: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
- or
- Afternoons: 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
- Course dates:
- 17 July to 28 July 2017
- 31 July to 11 August 2017
- 14 Aug to 25 August 2017
Once a week courses (Levels 4 and 5)
Conversation on topics such as current affairs and French culture, and some revision of grammar and vocabulary.
Duration: 6 weeks
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays
(Course days will depend on level and enrolments)
Course fee: £157
- Class times:
- Mornings 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
- or
- Afternoons 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm
- or
- Evenings 6.15 pm to 8.45 pm
Saturday morning courses
Start your week-end with a French class. Just 6 weeks to complete a module
Duration: 6 weeks
Course fee:
£255 (Levels 1 to 4)
£192 (Level 5)
- Class times:
- 9.30 am to 1pm (levels 1 to 4)
- 10.00 am to 1pm (level 5 – conversation on topics such as current affairs and French culture, and some revision of grammar and vocabulary)
Courses for teenagers and students
Whether on your own or with your classmates, sign up for a summer course that will help you practice your French, gain confidence and revise before the start of the new academic year or to re-sit your exams.
For group classes: minimum of 5 students with the same abilities and availability is requested to open one of our regular courses (once-a-week, twice-a-week, 2-week intensive or Saturday).
If you need more individual help or if you’d rather study alone or with one or two classmates, we can tailor a private course to suit your specific needs (see information on our Bespoke Tuition department).
If you require more individual attention or if you’d rather study alone or with one or two classmates, we can tailor a private course to suit your specific needs such as exam preparation (for more details please visit the Private tuition section on our website).